Dr. Valles-Rosales has developed research projects that involve the optimization of manufacturing processes to protect the environment; reducing manufacturing costs and scrap, designing and planning the best facilities; reducing process cycle time; selecting the appropriate raw material; facilitating collaboration among companies and academia; reducing fatigue among employees, and increasing the pool of women and minorities in engineering careers.
Personal Statement
For the past ten years, I have been studying techniques that focus on process optimization and improvement of manufacturing processes. I have studied additive manufacturing technologies on material waste reduction and identification of value-added uses and conversion of biomass in byproducts that satisfy market demands at a low costs. I have been the PI or Co-PI in excess of $3 million in grants from NSF, USDA, SCERP, and General Motors. My research uses nature to inspire the development of innovative manufacturing processes, new processes of biomass utilization, and models and algorithms for system optimization in agriculture, education, industry, and service areas. My research has impacted several undergraduate and graduate students with funded projects.